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12 PlaceShapers landmarks in 2023

Download our 12 facts of 2023


We begin a year-long programme of network meetings – sustainability, development, chairs, policy, communications and public affairs.


We are part of a national call on Rishi Sunak to ensure the Spring Budget protects those already struggling as part of our cost-of-living campaigning.


New CEO Catherine Ryder joins in a year we welcome Kate Wareing as a new Board member and were joined by new members Magna, Moat and RHP Group.


We join thought leaders – including the Secretary of State for Housing – in Home Advantage, a collection of essays created by Bright Blue and Shelter.


Our submission to the Parliamentary Select Committee on housing association finance and sustainability uses member insight, with members later giving verbal evidence.


Members welcome changes to Homes England funding to allow regeneration after building evidence of the impact, set out by Matthew Walker in Inside Housing.


Social Housing Act receives Royal Assent, with PlaceShapers helping bring the resident voice since the Green Paper stage in 2018.


Launch of Connect, Communicate, Collaborate Strategic Plan, sets direction to 2026 focused on outcomes helping communities to thrive.


New communications toolkits on topics high on members’ agendas - net zero and damp and mould - added to the members’ library of resources.


Our response to consultation on new consumer standards draws insight from meetings the RSH held with members and residents.


Our Annual Conference featuring members, experts, politicians and stakeholders in 10 e-sessions over two days attracts 240 registrations.


A year of stakeholder meetings, including Matthew Pennycook and Angela Rayner, ends with quarterly meetings with the Regulator of Social Housing and Ombudsman.