Communications Network

Comms network 2

PlaceShapers Communications Network works together to communicate the unique role of place-based housing associations to ensure the sector is understood and valued by politicians and stakeholders.

It provides communications expertise to PlaceShapers and, via a network of regional communications co-ordinators, links into the communications teams within all member organisations.

Chaired by PlaceShapers communicatons lead Joanna Charlton, the network meets quarterly with a monthly zoom check-in.

Regional Communications Co-ordinators

North East – Alice Midgley, Karbon Homes
Yorkshire and Humberside - Cat Thomas, Leeds Federated
Midlands - Chloe Challinor, Aspire
South – Matt Turpin, VIVID
South East – Liz Roberts, Soha
East – Katie Taylor, Cross Keys Homes
South West - Julian Rowe, Coastline
Merseyside and North West - Hilary Tooke, South Lakes
London - Joanna Charlton, PlaceShapers

Download our communications guide here.
Access our library of communication resources here.

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