We are PlaceShapers

The national network of place-based housing organisations. We are a collective of collaborators, change-makers and policy-shapers. We are a voice for our members and a voice for our communities because many voices can make a bigger difference than one.

Together, we go beyond housing.

Our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026



The unique role of place-based housing associations to ensure the sector is understood and valued by politicians and stakeholders.


With our members and facilitate access to support to help them address the challenges they face in delivering their place-shaping role.


With members and the wider sector to give residents a voice that is heard by housing associations and government.


Learn more about how we achieved our goals in 2023

PlaceShapers in 12 facts

Box KARBON Muddy Boots Gardening Course

Our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026

Our three-year strategic plan has been shaped by our members and our analysis of the challenges and opportunities ahead for place-based, community-focused, housing associations.

We will achieve these outcomes by connecting, communicating, and collaborating for greater influence. Our work will focus on the areas that are most relevant to place-based housing associations and deliver the maximum impact for our members.

View our plan

ASPIRE Holborn customers Chloe Challinor holds permission August 2023 (1)


Our Story

Cost of Living Crisis

Members report the cost of living is the number 1 issue for them and their communities. The crisis is affecting everyone. But it is hitting those on the lowest income hardest.

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4 Sep 2024


Chair's Network Meeting

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19 Nov 2024 - 20 Nov 2024


Annual Conference 2024

Save the date! More info coming soon!

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23 Jul 2024


North Devon Homes launches Corporate Plan

A mission of ‘working together to create communities where people want to live’ underpins plan.

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23 Jul 2024


Award for innovation and design

Brighter Places wins a Bristol Civic Society Award in recognition of the high standards it sets for the housing sector nationwide.

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16 Jul 2024


PlaceShapers Summer Leaders Event

A very useful day had been spent exposing issues which are often glossed over - Paul Smith, CEO of Elim Housing blogs about the buzz in Bristol.

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