Our News

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General Election Response

5 July 2024

Commitment to social housing and devolving housing powers to local decision-makers - PlaceShapers response.

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The role and impact of place-based housing associations cover crop

Election Cost-of-Living Call

26 June 2024

PlaceShapers joins over 200 organisations calling on the people most likely to be the next Prime Minister to put tackling hardship at the top of their agenda from day one.

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PlaceShapers new member star

PlaceShapers announces new member

1 May 2024

PlaceShapers is delighted to welcome bpha to its network of around 100 community-focused housing associations.

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Criminal Justice Bill

10 April 2024

PlaceShapers stands alongside homelessness charities calling on the government to amend proposed laws that could criminalise people sleeping rough.

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PlaceShapers announces new member

18 March 2024

PlaceShapers is delighted to welcome Gloucester City Homes to its network of around 100 community-focused housing associations.

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PlaceShapers announces new member

12 March 2024

PlaceShapers is delighted to welcome Habinteg Housing to its network of around 100 community-focused housing associations.

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