Our News

KIngsley handing in petition (1)

Downing Street

22 September 2022

Housing residents and staff add their voices to 404,000 calling on the Government to fix the Cost of Living Crisis.

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Lizz Truss

New Prime Minister

7 September 2022

PlaceShapers adds voice to sector call on Liz Truss to take action on cost of living crisis.

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Kate Dodswoth (1)

Conversations with The Regulator

7 September 2022

PlaceShapers members are helping bring residents' views to the development of social housing white paper.

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Tackle cost of living crisis

14 August 2022

PlaceShapers joins national call on next Prime Minister to reassure low-income families they will receive sufficient support through a “national emergency”.

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The Regulation of Social Housing

The Regulation of Social Housing

20 July 2022

On Tuesday 20 July, the DLUHC select committee published their report into the regulation of social housing. PlaceShapers had been active contributors to this investigation, submitting written evidence and Chair, Matthew Walker, appeared in front of the committee in February.

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Job Opportunity: Communications Project Manager

Job Opportunity: Communications Project Manager

20 June 2022

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