Members are delivering place-based regeneration which puts the priorities of local communities at the heart of decision-making.
Our members build and manage high quality, affordable homes to rent and to buy. They work with partners and communities to create jobs and provide community spaces and services and support local charities, community groups and local government. They are responding to the critical issues of our time, including the cost-of-living crisis, inequality and the climate emergency.
In 2022 we released our Stay Local, Go Far report that demonstrates the role of housing associations in delivering levelled-up communities – and the tools they need to do so. As set out in the report, our members carry out physical, economic, social and democratic regeneration that can have a significant positive impact on communities. At PlaceShapers, we know delivering ‘levelling up’ communities is high on the political agenda. We will continue to advocate for policies and support that will help our members contribute to levelling up, wherever they operate.
We were also Commissioners in No Place Left Behind: The Commission into Community Placemaking and Prosperity, chaired by Toby Lloyd, former Housing Adviser to Prime Minister Theresa May. The Commission sought to understand projects and initiatives that are successful in improving lives in under-valued neighbourhoods and to use the learning to develop national level policy and best practice recommendations.