ASPIRE Farmeda (Holborn roof) Chloe Challinor holds permission August 2023


Outcome 2 in our Strategic Plan is to connect with our members and facilitate access to support to help them address the challenges they face in delivering their place-shaping role. 

Key activities under the Connect outcome of our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan focus on the physical, social and economic themes of place-shaping. 

Physical place-shaping: 

  • meeting the breadth of housing need across our communities and planning for the future.
  • providing homes, estates and communities that are fit for purpose, including through regeneration and demolition and re-provision.
  • contributing to the broader environmental challenges in an area, including biodiversity and use of green space.

Key activities
SkyWaves: A PlaceShaping in Action long-term case study to explore the impact of a pioneering partnership.
Sugar Hill: A PlaceShaping in Action long-term case study to explore the impact of a place-based approach to regeneration.
Sustainability Network to support members to develop their approach to sustainability, focussing on their role in place.
Development Network to support members to deliver their development ambitions and share their insight to help influence government policy and practice, including with Homes England.

Social place-shaping: 

  • supporting our communities to be connected, cohesive and resilient, including through providing, or supporting, activities and spaces for residents to be part of the community.
  • working with the voluntary sector, community groups and health bodies to improve access to health services and support and address health inequalities in our communities.  

Key activities
Insight on refugee support; members share lessons learned on their support to vulnerable members of the community.

Economic place-shaping:

  • working with the voluntary sector, community groups, partners and other agencies to improve economic opportunities for residents and communities.
  • working with families and children to help ease entrenched poverty in communities.
  • providing, or supporting, employment and training programmes for residents and communities.

Key activities
Cost of living: Active in campaigns advocating for solutions to support residents and show the impact of the crisis.

We also support members to come together to discuss the challenges they face in their place-shaping role through our Leaders EventsPeer Support Webinars and Chair's Network.