Cost of living crisis| Story #15
27 September 2022
Rebecca, a frontline worker at whg, describes how money worries exacerbate mental health issues.
Read morePlaceShapers brings resident voices to national campaigning on the cost of living crisis, which members report as one of the top issues affecting their communities.
We work as part of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation/ Trussell Trust alliance of 200 organisations committed to ensuring the the lowest income members of society do not go without the basics.
Both the Labour government and the previous Conservative administration have cited insight from this alliance in making positive announcements on support for those hardest hit by the crisis. We are active in campaigning for the government to do more.
Our involvement brings resident voices directly to the campaigning such as Sophie from Raven Housing Trust who went to Downing Street taking messages from other residents.
Case studies, including those below, and insight from members informs all our cost of living campaigning.
27 September 2022
Rebecca, a frontline worker at whg, describes how money worries exacerbate mental health issues.
Read more20 September 2022
Many older people are not claiming the benefits they are entitled to and badly need our support to make sure they do, a member of Leeds Money Matters team writes.
Read more20 September 2022
Prioritising food for her children and keeping heating and lighting as low as possible is how Leeds Federated tenant Sharelle is navigating the crisis.
Read more20 September 2022
Gail, a 63 year old Leeds Federated tenant, explains: "This time last year I was putting £40pm each on my gas and electric meters and now I am putting £100 per month on my electricity alone."
Read more20 September 2022
Long term help by Origin is helping someone who was at risk of losing their home weather the crisis.
Read more22 August 2022
Helping residents into better paid jobs with prospects of pay increases is a long term solution: Longhurst Group is doing it in a way that's a win-win.
Read more