

PlaceShapers Strategic Plan 2023-2026

7 August 2023

We are grateful to our members and stakeholders who have helped shape this plan which sets out what we are aiming to achieve over the next three years. This is an ambitious plan and will be led and delivered in partnership with our members.

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PlaceShapers response to the Levelling-up, Housing and Communities Committee

18 June 2023

inquiry into the finances and sustainability of the social housing sector

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PlaceShapers Annual Review 2022 - 2023

25 April 2023

Our Annual Review provides an overview of our activity over the past year.

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Going freestyle: what happens when the rulebook is taken away

Going freestyle: what happens when the rulebook is taken away

25 April 2022

Many social landlords ended the pandemic with lower rent arrears than at the beginning after overnight cultural and legal changes transformed how they worked with tenants, a new report published today shows.

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PlaceShapers Annual Review 2021 - 2022

4 April 2022

What we have been up to in the last year, our plans for the future and ways you can get involved

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PlaceShapers | Stay local, go far report

17 January 2022

Place-based housing associations role in levelling up

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