
Progress Housing Group


Lancashire and Lincolnshire.

Key Contact:

Jacqueline De-Rose, Chief Executive

Why we joined PlaceShapers

"At Progress Housing Group we are extremely committed to our local communities and residents. We were created as a stock transfer association in 1994 from South Ribble Borough Council with whom we continue to have a strong relationship at operational and strategic levels. For 20 years, we have delivered housing and related services in a wide range of neighbourhoods, and our philosophy is to work in partnership to build local relationships and provide a personal service. The PlaceShapers Group has strong emphasis on tenant engagement, local accountability and high quality services delivered locally. We whole heartedly support these principles."

News from this Member

Progress Housing Group retains G1/V2 gradings

Gradings reaffirm that 'we are achieving our mission to have a positive impact on people and communities by providing high-quality homes, supporting independence and creating opportunities.."

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Cost of Living Crisis | Story #2

"We have committed additional resources to enable an expansion of our tenancy sustainability support services; " reports the Director of Operations at Progress Housing Group.

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Cost of Living Crisis | Story #1

“I asked Kim how she was managing financially, and she broke down. She only had 23p in her bank account..." Samuel from Progress Housing Group tells Kim's story.

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