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Image of HarryCarers Week (5-11 June 2023) marks three years since the launch of Harry’s Pledge – a nationwide commitment to carers created by PlaceShapers member Longhurst Group.

Harry’s Pledge is named in honour of Harry Charlesworth, a lively eight-year-old whose birth disability of quadriplegic cerebral palsy means he has significant caring needs. His grandmother is Julie Doyle, CEO of Longhurst Group. Through the pledge, Julie and her family have been determined to raise the visibility and value of carers to make life better for carers.

Harry’s Pledge commits to four goals:

  • Being a supportive employer to people that have caring responsibilities.
  • Making our offices and community spaces as accessible as possible.
  • Building more fully-accessible homes.
  • Further promotion of care as a professional career and lobbying for changes in status, pay and rewards for carers.

There are 22 PlaceShapers members who have signed up to the pledge and a further 14 who are active supporters.

Carers Week, much like Harry’s Pledge is all about raising awareness of caring. This year’s theme is about recognising and supporting carers in the community – helping communities across the UK to come together to recognise the huge contribution unpaid carers make to society.