Guarantee Our Essentials
27 February 2024
One year ago, Placeshapers added its voice to the national Guarantee Our Essentials campaign, calling on all political parties to ensure everyone can afford the essentials in hard times.
Sophie Fuller, a resident board member at Raven Housing, visits Downing Street at the start of PlaceShapers campaigning
Throughout our campaigning, PlaceShapers has worked with residents to show the real-life impact of the cost-of-living crisis on local communities.
One year on, PlaceShapers asked residents to blog about what has changed since they first added their voices to the campaign.
Matthew Walker, Chair of Placeshapers and Chief Executive of Leeds Federated Housing Association, said: “Sophie and Steve show that, far from diminishing, the cost-of-living crisis is continuing to bite hard, hitting low-income household hardest.
“Members continue to report that it is among the top issues affecting their communities. It’s part of our role as PlaceShapers to ensure politicians of all parties understand the impact the crisis is having on communities.
“Members are doing all they can to provide the support residents need to weather the cost-of-living crisis and it’s vital the Government does more to protect those who are hardest hit – with support for low-income households a priority.
“Polling shows that the cost-of-living crisis is one of the top issues for voters in the run up to the General Election. We will continue to ensure that politicians of all parties understand the impact of the crisis on our communities and support campaigns that press for solutions to this critical issue.”