PlaceShapers welcomed news that grant funding from Homes England’s Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) can now be used for regeneration projects.
Catherine Ryder, CEO of PlaceShapers, said: “We have worked closely with Homes England to supply evidence of the impact this change would have, drawing on the impact of regeneration already delivered by members and showing the projects this could unlock.
"Our members are ambitious for their communities and are committed to improving places through long-term social, economic and physical regeneration. While we have been working hard to improve the energy efficiency and quality of our homes, some of them need to be knocked down and rebuilt as they have far exceeded their intended lifespan. The lack of funding to regenerate existing homes, estates and communities has hampered the efforts to bring social housing up to the standards that we aspire to.
"The change to the funding rules meaning grant can now be spent regeneration will help our members deliver projects that could transform places and communities, making them more socially and economically resilient.”
PlaceShapers Stay Local, Go Far outlines the impact place-based housing associations make and outlined how greater flexibility in funding would help achieve greater impact.
In his foreword to the report, Paul Howell MP for Sedgefield, said: "Community-focussed housing associations are the anchors of local communities, with deep roots and social purpose that affect incredible change for neighbourhoods. In the communities I represent, I have seen first-hand what a difference partnership working can make to increase opportunities for jobs and education and the uplifting effect a quality environment can have on residents’ well-being and pride.
"This report clearly defines four ways local housing associations can deliver and effectively drive the regeneration of local areas."