News & Stories

Healthy Homes Launch

Our new Healthy Homes toolkit helps members bring communications best practice, consistency and cost effectiveness on damp and mould.

The toolkit helps our members communicate with their residents on what they could do themselves to help prevent and treat issues with damp, mould and condensation.


It includes a range of resources, including web content, a handbook in seven languages, an animated video, and other materials to support engagement with residents.

We worked with residents to ensure the information in the toolkit is clear, accessible and helpful, and with the Energy Saving Trust to ensure the information is independent and reliable. We also worked with the Housing Ombudsman to ensure the toolkit reflects the communication findings of its investigation into damp and mould.

We hope the toolkit helps bring communications best practice, consistency and cost effectiveness on an issue which is an absolute priority for our members.

We have made every effort to ensure the materials are clear that there are some actions residents can take, but that landlords are responsible for keeping homes safe and healthy.

You can find the toolkit in the members only area of our website.  If you're a member please email and we'll send you the password.

Issued 18/09/23