
What members are doing and can we do more?
Wednesday 13 July, 11am - 12.15pm

The refugee crisis only tops the news agenda for essentially negative stories - Rwanda to Channel crossings - but as a country we rarely hear are the wonderful stories about communities welcoming refugees. Housing associations are behind some inspiring stories of care, support and overcoming barriers.

Members are doing thoughtful, caring and long-term work to welcome and integrate people forced to flee their country of origin.  At this event members will talk about the work they have been doing with refugees.


Jez Chalmers from Staffs Housing who will separate political and media myth and reality.

Yvonne Pinner from Oxfordshire Homeless Movement and Jude McCaffrey, Head of Housing at Soha Housing, will talk about cross-sector partnership working.

Refugee Resettlement Officer Kim Brundell will talk of Ongo's well established work to welcome and integrate families from Syria, Afghanistan and the Ukraine.

Stacey Garvin will talk of Calico’ three-stages of support focused on the whole family and the priorities of the different stages of integration.

Chaired by Rachael Orr, CEO of PlaceShapers and Chair of Trustees at the Refugee Council

There will be time for questions, thoughts and ideas. 

Register now and get the date in your diary!

Joining instructions will be sent out on the morning of the event.

Please note member events places are only available to PlaceShapers member organisations and their representatives.