Wednesday 2nd February, 6pm-7pm
PlaceShapers have commissioned policy experts Toby Lloyd and Rose Grayston to help us make the case for more money and support from the government, to allow housing associations to work with residents to do more to improve homes and neighbourhoods.
Toby and Rose want to meet with residents to find out about your experiences of regeneration projects and other activities aimed at improving homes and communities – whether big projects involving demolition and rebuild, or smaller projects to improve the look and feel of streets and green spaces.
They want to know about good and bad experiences of working with housing associations to improve homes and neighbourhoods, and will explore both what projects have achieved and the process of getting there.
If you have questions in advance, please contact James Bryson.
Register now and get the date in your diary!
Joining instructions will be sent out on the morning of the event.
Please note member events places are only available to fully paid up PlaceShapers member organisations and their representatives.