Tuesday 15th February, 12n - 1pm
In next part of the Diverse Voices series will be looking at Hidden Disabilities. We will be joined by colleagues who will be sharing their experiences of Hidden Disability both in and outside of the workplace.
They will explore challenges faced including misunderstanding and prejudice encountered and seek to demystify stereotypes and provide information on how you can offer support to people living with hidden disability.
Andrea Lowman, Executive Director of Development, WCHG
Matthew Reeves, Property Services Administrator at Soha
Will be talking about living with MS and Epilepsy respectively.
The session will be chaired by Jo Tracey, Director of People at Connexus.
Register now and get the date in your diary!
Joining instructions will be sent out on the morning of the event.
Please note member events places are only available to fully paid up PlaceShapers member organisations and their representatives.