We are PlaceShapers

The national network of place-based housing organisations. We are a collective of collaborators, change-makers and policy-shapers. We are a voice for our members and a voice for our communities because many voices can make a bigger difference than one.

Together, we go beyond housing. We help communities thrive.

WEBSITE Matthew Walker meeting residents

PlaceShaping In Action

Our case studies showcase the work of our members, with the aim of sharing lessons and good practice that others can learn from, and capture what is unique about place-based housing associations and the difference they can make to their residents, their communities, and the places where they work.

Explore the case studies


Learn more about how we achieved our goals in 2023

PlaceShapers in 12 facts

Our Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026



The unique role of place-based housing associations to ensure the sector is understood and valued by politicians and stakeholders.


With our members and facilitate access to support to help them address the challenges they face in delivering their place-shaping role.


With members and the wider sector to give residents a voice that is heard by housing associations and government.

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