What is a place based housing organisation?

As place-based housing organisations we are deeply rooted in the neighbourhoods where we manage homes. We have our hearts, jobs and infrastructure in our local communities.

PlaceShapers members usually own and manage a greater share of all the social rented homes in each local authority in which they are active, compared to other types of housing association. We are not amongst the largest landlords nationally, but we are amongst the largest landlords locally. 

Leeds Federated Housing Association has 3,700 homes. They operate across five local authorities in West Yorkshire. But in Leeds they manage 1 out of 5 housing association homes, despite their being 60 social landlords operating in the area. The maps below show the concentration of its homes versus all non-PlaceShapers social landlords who manage property in Leeds.

LFHA grouped image

Data taken from the Regulator of Social Housing’s Statistical Data Return, 2020-2021.

We're committed to place and we're not going anywhere. Operating in concentrated geographical areas is a feature of PlaceShapers. On average we operate in 26 local authorities, compared to 81 local authorities for other housing associations.

Having a large concentration of homes in the places we serve means we have a long-term stake in the success and prosperity of the whole community, not just our homes or our residents. By being rooted in a community we develop services that really respond to a community’s needs. Our local knowledge means we build deep relationships with others working to improve life locally - from NHS bodies and private-sector employers to the voluntary sector and local sports clubs.

The maps below show the geographic distribution of social housing stock owned by different types of social landlord in England. The map on the left shows the spread of stock across all English local authorities for the ten most significant (by stock size) PlaceShapers in the North East combined authority, and the second map shows the same information for the most significant non-PlaceShapers housing associations.

NE Combined authority - grouped image

Data taken from the Regulator of Social Housing’s Statistical Data Return, 2020-2021.

This means our social impact goes far beyond the people living in our homes. PlaceShapers provide services and social infrastructure that benefits many more people than just those who live in their homes.

With our knowledge, relationships, staff and assets centred in our place, we are local anchor institutions and ideal partners for government plans to transform places.

With thanks to On Place consultancy and James Greener from Havebury Housing Partnership for producing these maps and the data that enables them.

Want to produce your own maps? PlaceShaper members have access to all this data and mapping tools. Get in touch for more details.